Updating Aerious

As simple as you like! For updating the Aerious or any other premium theme to its latest version you simply need 5 basic steps to follow:

  • Firstly, download the latest version of Aerious or any other premium theme from the account’s downloads page on ThemeForest
  • Kindly take the backup of your existing site. If you’ve done custom coding then it is recommended to take the backup of the previous version and make sure that you’ve taken the backup of the entire database as well
  • Then access your server via FTP or SFTP (if you aren’t sure how usually your WebHost will have instructions somewhere on their site)
  • Browse to wp-content/themes/
  • To proceed further, you need to overwrite or replace the old theme files with the new theme files i.e. Override the “aerious” folder files with the new one
  • At the end, kindly update that custom coding from the backup you took earlier. And you are ready with your latest version

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