Server Requirements

In order to ensure compatibility with Aerious, you must be operating in following tools and languages:

  • PHP 7 or higher
  • WordPress 4.7 or higher
  • MySQL 5.6 or higher

As far as hosting is concerned, you should take these below-mentioned points into consideration such as:

  1. Ensuring either your website host has the sufficient requisites to run WordPress or not
  2. Making sure either they’re running the latest or old version of WordPress. You can check this on their official website as well
  3. Making sure that you’ve secure and strong passwords for the host and database

The common issues correlated to low PHP configuration limits such as failed demo content (while importing), the white screen and similar other issues can be fixed. All you’ve to do is to extend the PHP configuration limits from the backend. If you’re not willing to do it yourself then ask your web host to set the limits as the following for you:

  • upload_max_filesize 32M
  • memory_limit 128M
  • max_execution_time 180
  • post_max_size 32M

Apart from these limits, there are some other vital configuration limits to consider as well. In order to set WP Memory Limit, we urge you to set 128 MB as memory limit. When you will import full demo of Aerious then a memory limit of 256 MB is recommended. You must define these memory limits in the wp-config.php file first and for this, we recommend you to visit Editing wp-config.php > Increasing memory allocated to PHP.

Then comes the PHP Max Input Vars which are used to allocate the number of input variable values. Their main purpose is to lessen the chances of service attack which employ hash collisions. For Aerious, we recommend you to set the PHP Max input Vars to 1560.

Inappropriate or low input variable limits can be dangerous. They can truncate or destroy your site’s menus and related POST data such as forms because they closely deal with these associative arrays i.e. $_POST & $GET and Max input Vars limit is applied to these associative arrays individually. In order to increase max input vars limit, visit Menu Item Limit.

Verifying the Current PHP Limits

Verifying the current limits is simply an easy job. All you require to do is to install WordPress phpinfo() , a WordPress plugin, intended to facilitate the non-technical WordPress users. This will check the current PHP limits for you and displays in an understandable form.

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