Importing the Demos’ Sliders

If you want to import the premade sliders by Aerious, you must have Revolution Slider installed on your WordPress. You can download the latest version for free of cost by clicking here. Simply use the slider revolution import method for importing the slider. If you’re unaware of that method then read “Importing the Revolution Sliders” section for a quick preview.

The .zip file that you’ll need to import of demos’ sliders will be available in the downloaded theme folder i.e. “Aerious > Demo > Full > home-slider-full (if you’re importing Aerious Full demo), just for a reference. Upload the .zip file and you’re done with importing the demos sliders.

For minimizing your effort, you can download all these necessary files directly by CLICKING HERE on account of importing the demos’ sliders. Then upload the relative files in accordance with the requirements.

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