RTL Basics

Not all the people in the world speak English. Similarly, there are also the sites that support RTL languages i.e. Right-To-Left languages such as Arabic, Hebrew and Persian. It’s very easy to add support for such languages on your website. All you require is to overwrite the entire horizontal positioning attributes of your CSS stylesheet in another stylesheet and name it as rtl.css

Aerious richly supports RTL languages. You must install a latest RTL plugin from WordPress first. It allows a feature in the post editor which enable writing the texts in the Right-to-Left and Left-to-Right in the same pages or posts i.e. you can write both languages.


  • Login to your WP dashboard and go to “Plugins > Add new
  • You will get a plugin folder in a .zip file upon downloading
  • After that, upload that .zip file to the /wp-content/plugins/
  • Activate it via “Plugins” tab on WP dashboard and you’re all set to use it

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