Search Page

Aerious has also made options for the search page. Greatly, these options are self-explanatory:

Theme Options ‹ Search Page — WordPress

  • Number of Columns for Search Results Use this option to choose the number of columns for search results
  • Search Results Content Use this option to choose the type of content that displays in search results i.e. posts, pages, products and portfolios. You may select multi types. Note: If you don’t select any option than search page will display all type of content.
  • Number of Search Results Per Page Use this option to choose the number of search results per page for the search results page
  • Search Results Excerpt Use this option to choose for excerpt to display or not in search results
  • Search Results Date Format Use this option to set the date format for the search results
  • Featured Images for Search Results Use this option to choose for featured images to display or not in search results
  • Gallery / Audio / Video for Posts Search Results Use this option to choose for post’s gallery/audio/video to display or not in search results
  • Search Form Position Use this option to choose type of content that displays in search results i.e. Above Results, Below Results, Above & Below Results and Hide

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