Aerious: Sidebar Generator Option

Apart from plenty of other options, Aerious has also given the option of generating the sidebars. It’s a built-in function of Aerious and more importantly, free. The purpose of this option is to use the diverse sidebars on different pages.

Using Aerious Sidebar Generator Option

  • Login to your WordPress dashboard
  • Go to Appearance > Sidebars, it will open sidebar generator page for you


  • Here you’ll see some of the already added sidebars
  • Click “+Add Button” to add new sidebar which you can use on your desired page
  • Clicking this button will open a pop-up asking you the name of the sidebar


  • The sidebar name is for your use only. It won’t be visible to any of your site visitors, users. Additionally, a CSS class is assigned to each of your sidebars. So, use this styling to customize the sidebars.
  • After entering your desired name, Click “OK”, then this will be added to your widget ready area discussed in Widgets section. You can customize it further as you want

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