
Here all the theme options regarding portfolio along with their brief description are discussed. Let’s go through each of them:


  • Portfolio Layout Choose the layout for the portfolio template and portfolio archive pages from this option i.e. Standard, Grid and Split from this option
  • Number of Portfolio items per Page Choose the number of portfolio items per page for the portfolio template and portfolio archive pages from this option. Enter 0 to show all portfolio items
  • Columns Choose the number of columns for the portfolio template and portfolio archive pages grid layout from here
  • Portfolio Content Choose the portfolio content displays excerpt, full content or no content (hide) for portfolio template and portfolio archive pages from this option
  • Excerpt limit Enter the number of characters in the post excerpts for portfolio template and portfolio archive pages from this option


  • Pagination Type Choose pagination type for the portfolio template and portfolio archive pages i.e. Pagination, Infinite Scroll, Load More Button from this option
  • Portfolio item Filtration by Category Choose the category filtration either enable or disable for the portfolio template
  • Include Portfolio items by Category Choose category terms to show portfolio items from the chosen categories for the portfolio template from this option
  • Social Sharing Users can either show or hide the social sharing icons for the portfolio template and portfolio archive pages from this option
  • Categories Users can either show or hide categories for the portfolio template and portfolio archive pages from this option


  • Skills This option will be used to show or hide the skills for the portfolio template and portfolio archive pages
  • Like Show or hide the like button for the portfolio template and portfolio archive pages from this option
  • Comments Count  Use this options either for  showing or hiding comments count for the portfolio template and portfolio archive pages
  • View Project Button Show or hide for the portfolio template and portfolio archive pages from this option
  • View Project Button Text Enter view project button text for the portfolio template and portfolio archive pages from this option

Portfolio Single Post

Further option regarding the single portfolio pages are discussed here:


  • Featured Image or Video or Gallery Use this option to show or hide the featured image or video or gallery either for the portfolio single post page
  • Portfolio Title Use this option to show or hide the portfolio title for the portfolio single post page
  • Social Sharing Use this option to show or hide the social sharing for the portfolio single post page
  • Related Portfolios Use this option to show or hide the related portfolios for the portfolio single post page
  • Like Use this option to show or hide the like button for the portfolio single post page
  • Date Use this option to show or hide the portfolio date for the portfolio single post page


  • Categories Users can either show or hide categories for the portfolio single post page from this option
  • Skills Users can either show or hide skills for the portfolio single post page from this option
  • Tags Users can either show or hide tags for the portfolio single post page from this option
  • Comments Users can either show or hide comments for the portfolio single post page from this option
  • Date Format Use this option to set the date format on  portfolio single post page

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